the marauder doesn't wanna talk about the liberation thing in the interview he just ends it there but i guess it's just how you view it, can also see it as kara/kami being tools by civilisations aswel for now and who knows maybe the marauders do know more about them since well we don't know that much about jena or ma-duk really ourselfs we just know what faith teaches us and if we blindly believe what it says. But that's all up to interpretation but saying marauders are against kara/kami is a bridge to far for me or i would wanna see some proof.
It can be my bad english but i tought liberated came from the french 'libre' meaning 'free' and a quick search does show liberated in english also means in military terms freeing a country from occupation
It can be my bad english but i tought liberated came from the french 'libre' meaning 'free' and a quick search does show liberated in english also means in military terms freeing a country from occupation