
[DISCUSSION] Another idea about marauders and the curent event line that's b ...

Don't you believe in anything?

Oh yes! We believe in the only law which is always borne out, the law of nature, the survival of the fittest. The Kami and the Karavan have no rights over us. We, on the other hand, we know how useful they may be to us once they've been… liberated.

Wow! Thanks for making me re-read what it said! After reading it again fresh, it -really- sounds like they capture or enslave the Kami and/or Karavan. Or perhaps worse. The attitude displayed in that interview is certainly not one of reverence or respect, or even tacit acceptance. It's dark and manipulative; Kami and Karavan are nothing but tools for the Marauders to use. It definitely supports what was written in the Wiki in a far more insidious way than even what the Wiki states.

Another lore article talks about the author witnessing the horrifying death of a Kami to Goo. Maybe the Marauders have progressed in their Goo technology research to a point that surpasses the Karavan, and they know how to use it to manipulate the Kami. Or perhaps they can even extract something from a (living or dead) Goo-infected Kami.

The Karavan are mostly technology, and right now we don't know of any weaknesses they have. Perhaps the Marauders do.

If the Marauders can actually manipulate the Life Energy of Atys by manipulating the manifestation of the Void (the Goo), perhaps they are more dangerous than we realized. Could the Marauder tribes have learned how to fuse the Kami energy with Karavan technology and with the Goo?

Talk about a storyline that has the potential to turn the world upside down =)

But still, it shows that the Marauders are quite a bit different than everything we understand right now, with a completely different approach to life, religion, politics, and society.

I would imagine a conversation might go something like this:
Hypothetical Conversation
Karavan Follower: "We worship Jena, may she have mercy on you!"
Kami Follower: "Praise be to Ma-Duk, the Life giver!"

Marauder: "We melt your pathetic Kami into soup and stuff them into the useless Karavan machinery to accomplish wonders your most creative minds have never even dreamed of!"
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Last visit Monday, 17 February 08:38:43 UTC

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