Nobody really does tagged pvp anymore (i stopped aswell) because the stuff be be bought with faction points and are just way to expancive only ppl is see now doing tagged pvp are cheating (killing each other with 5min intervals) now, and some ppl that are really into it but not much
lowering the prizes or adding more shoul give an incentive for more ppl to tag up and have fun with it
Actually, I commonly see people tagged; Depravity regularly has members who are tagged for PvP while they go about their business around the world, and sometimes I see tagged Knights Leviers and Fireflies as well. I heard recently of a battle in Yrk, and several weeks ago was another in which I participated with a handful of people from both sides.
Right now, people are doing it for the fun of it. This shouldn't be changed.
You used to mention there weren't people who would tag up, and that you were the only one who did ... that seems to be the case no longer. Tag up and go find the fun =)