Loading Screen Problem

I had this same problem and a solution was give to me so here it is:

1. This problem happens when you log in certain areas. The one I was trapped in was near the big bamboo tree in Lost Valley in Void.
2. To solve the problem you need to carry out the following:
a. Log on with another toon. If you don't have one make one and log on with it.
b, Go to system - Game Configuration - Graphics - Landscape
c. Turn OFF microvegetation.
d. You can now log the stuck character on.
e. Move to a city and then you can turn on microvegetation.
3. In order to prevent this lowering the microvegetation to 80% or so seems to help.

** Might want to also temporarily turn off sound when you log in with the alt to carry out the solution.


Have Fun Hope it Works
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Last visit Friday, 28 February 01:50:10 UTC

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