As for the lifespan of homins, it is comparable to that of humans. This means technically, for everyone who created a character at launch, their character is now 31 years older. This character was created in 2526, and I imagined her being 15 at creation, which I guessed as about the onset of adulthood in a more primitive culture. So she's 45 now, and I do try to play this out a bit. She had a hippy youth, roaring twenties, and about 2.5 real-life years ago I played her as early 30s and thinking about settling down. Now she's reaching an age where she's starting to step away from swordfighting and focussing on calmer activities like floristry and politics. ;)
But there are no game-mechanics to enforce this, our characters don't actually look older, and most players don't like to see their character age anyways, so it's not really played out much.
But there are no game-mechanics to enforce this, our characters don't actually look older, and most players don't like to see their character age anyways, so it's not really played out much.