Separate timers for all auras

As a tangent, there are alternate ways to balancing the auras than seperating the timers. For example, still a shared timer, but the regen auras having a shorter reset time than the protection ones. Protection auras are currently 15 minutes, and regen auras 20 minutes, so this could be set back to for example 5 minutes, to make it more tempting to use, while still preserving the choice element.

Also, let me note that the fact that all auras except Melee-Protection seem useless to some players, seems to me part of a bigger problem that PvE is generally quite... unvaried compared to PvP. Consider:
* almost all mobs use melee attacks, only about 10% uses ranged or magic.
* almost all mobs are far more vulnerable to magic damage than to physical damage.
* there are very few mobs for which it actually makes much difference which elemental spell you use on them.
* all mobs have equal armor on every body part.
A little more variety here would generally be better, imo.
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