Separate timers for all auras

What auras might be used by trekking team or a team looking for some bosses?

Just this week teams I participated in used: War cry for 4 tanks. Stamina regen for tanks. Sap regen for mage pod. Antimagic for boss mob effect. Antiranged for boss mob effect. HP Balance for team. Shield for the mage that had non-tauntable aggro.

The only time I used MPA, so far this week, was when I was being lazy and didn't want to sneak through an area with aggro.

Perhaps it is just your inexperience with some of the mobs of Atys as the bosses all have their particular style and weakness and just like weapons, part of the fun for me is figuring out which auras are put to best use on them. If I had the ability to use all auras one after another after another, what challenge would there be? Why bother at all, just have the devs make all the mobs dead when you eye them.

Peace, luv & cookies,


Peace, Luv & Cookies,
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 13:46:30 UTC

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