Separate timers for all auras

Yes please! Been asking for that for years!

One shared timer for all protection auras, one for the regen auras, and one for the funky auras. Simple as that.
They are only making illusion of choice
This exactly. The Ryzom skill system seems incredibly rich at first but when you get down to it a lot of the more interesting skills have such neglible effects they might as well not exist.

Sure, you can *find* situations wherein they are useful if you look for it, I've done it, but that's not the same as being useful.

For the case of the auras, cool down is 15 minutes. Lets say you're hunting at 1 kill per minute - if protection aura saves you a death, that easily saves you up to 10 minutes, while warcry let you kill just 1 of those 15 mobs only 30% faster, and regen aura gives you double regen for only 2 of the 15 minutes. That is nowhere near comparable.
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