Separate timers for all auras

Kalean (Aniro)
I don't spare my auras just in case I might need MPA


I think the current system works well. I find that the people I group with use auras that match the particular circumstances. Now we have a reasonable cooldown for aura usage, if the auras were to be separated I foresee a HUGE cooldown implemented with it to avoid exploitation. I would rather have the shorter cooldown with the current system.

It seems to me that you are looking for solo player solutions with this and by nature a MMO is multi-player environment. To that effect, different auras can be used by a team and stacked, as Meagon pointed out, and does give the flexibility you described in your original post. If indeed you are looking for solo solutions: patience is the best skill to master.

Peace, luv & cookies,


Peace, Luv & Cookies,
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