Separate timers for all auras

I don't agree that MPA beats anything... it depends on the context.
I use different aura in different context, for example :

If I've got a healer with me :
- electric aura when I fight a mob or boss with a high level of parry/dodge
- warcry when I hunt, to kill mobs quicker

Without healer :
- HP, stam or sap aura when I hunt flora (but it's less true now with occupation's products)

OP tactics :
- magic shield if my team is harassed by magicians
- range shield if my team is harassed by launchers

In case of trouble you can use invulnerability
I don't spare my auras just in case I might need MPA


Kaléan McFerty
Pirate of the Lakes
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 13:41:44 UTC

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