Actually, Cara-Via (Karavia) was a spinoff right before the introduction of factions from guild "Out of Cavern" (former Myst beta players). OOC was indeed formed during beta and officially guilded in the first week of release with Trinity as Leader. As the game progeressed and Episode 1 was approching, Thanaker, Kali and I realized that factions meant a choice had to be made and OOC wanted to be neutral but we wanted to be Karavan. Cara-Via (Karavia) was designed to be hardline Karavan from the start. We still play that stance. Thanaker was the original guild leader, with Kali and I as HO. Thanaker became dis-interested and absent, and I was reluctantly forced into the leader position and also forced into the name change. I was the one that submitted the original name Karavia based on digging through Atys history and finding that Karavia was the first Matis city placed on the location that the Matis were first introducted to the Karavan. Cara-Via was later chosen after many submissions and a vote by members when we were forced to make the change.
What a long, strange journey it's been. But Cara-Via remains the biggest, little guild on Atys!
Loracas, Leader of guild Cara-Via
What a long, strange journey it's been. But Cara-Via remains the biggest, little guild on Atys!
Loracas, Leader of guild Cara-Via