
A call for Defence

Hi folks,

Well, I'm not sure what to say.

Let me start by saying that I have communicated with Hungrygrumpy and he has called off the attack. I don't think it's a ruse either, I think he's seriously called it off. He thought we were inactive and, if we were, then he has good reason to grab our OP, but now that he knows we are not then he's stepped back.

We also have to thank him for being the catalyst for one of the highlights of our time on Atys. The support that Marrietta and I have received has been simply amazing. We have discovered how deeply the bonds run between us and some of the other people of Atys. It's a level of support we are simply overwhelmed by.

Now for what we know will be an incomplete list of thankyous:
- Special thanks to Temporary Insanity who immediately pledged their aid. Especially to Liliang who resubbed just to be there for us and to Yakapo who was patient in explaining how to set up times for Defense rounds etc.
- Thanks to Jola for being one of the people we know contacted Hungrygrumpy to inform him of our active status.
- Thanks to Tyneetryk who was swift in rallying support from a number of other guilds.
- There is also a list of people that have helped just by spreading the word and offering positive encouragement, I dare not try to name them all as I know I'll leave people out.

Just a big thank you to all of Atys. We do not define our enjoyment of Atys by the ownership of an OP, we define it my the company we keep. That company has proven that we are appreciated for who we are and that's the real treasure of Atys for us.

Bright Blessings,
Kalyndra and Marrietta Velai
Altaenae di Cherae
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Last visit Monday, 17 February 08:51:18 UTC

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