The Occupation's Stories


This concludes all 8 occupations. I hope you have enjoyed the stories. But don't tune out just yet! I'll have 2 more bonus/epilogue articles coming up, which will each have one more paragraph on every occupation.

Meanwhile, Meagon has raised an excellent question that perhaps I should've addressed right in my opening statement: What if people disagree with these?

I do think the contradictions that she raises between my story and official lore are based on a misunderstanding of my story, as Ini already said. The Great Swarming was 40 years before the game even began, and Matis society has been far more gender-equal since then, allowing girl royal guards and girl assistant botanists, and the strict gender roles were only in the distant past before that. This isn't something I made up myself, but something that I plucked from existing lore.

I've taken great care to make sure my stories fit inside the official lore and do not contradict it anywhere. But it is ofcourse always possible that I've made a mistake somewhere, so I appreciate such mistakes pointed out.

And while being made to fit inside the official lore, these stories are still just fan-speculation. So it's quite possible that other players already had different ideas about what the occupations' background stories should be. If any players have their own occupations-speculations that disagree with mine, I would encourage them to post their versions in this thread as well!

This is what makes lore-speculation fun! I am not here to dictate to you readers how it should be, I'm here to offer one possibility for your amusement and contemplation. I would love to see alternative possibilities about how the occupations came to be! (In fact, I had 2 different possible backgrounds for Florist myself, the above one was just my favourite.) Now that my series is complete, by all means let the alternative theories commence.

Meanwhile, as said, I'll have 2 more bonus articles coming up before I sign off myself. I hope they'll still be enjoyed as well.

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