Temporary Insanity

Rawr! Hello homins!!
What has ti been up to lately? Killin' bosses, making fun of eachother on ventrilo, poking at Shrek in Uni.... *We love you sherk* >:p
What is TI going to be doing? TI is setting up a Saturday all day grind team, starting this Saturday March 26th. If you've got skills to work or fame to grind just /tell a TI member! :) We have quite a few new/returning members with a lot of skills to work!
Which reminds me, I'd like to welcome Dlexx, Mati and Kares to guild!!!! :D We hope you all stay a good long time with us here in the nutthouse!! :D

Thats all folks!!! :P Until next week! Or ya know...when ever i update next *shrugs*
hakuna matata!!!! :D


The fail whale!


My name is Lil, but you may call me Your Majesty. ;)
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