
Free to play Ryzom, huh?

No, item malls do not suddenly make everyone pay tons of money. The common fact in the FTP industry is that 10 percent or so (if you're lucky) actually pay. The rest play for free. If FTP forced the pocketbooks of every player, then Blizzard would not be the most profitable MMO company in the world...(although some FTP companies that publish several titles are coming in a close second.)

FTP is brilliant, in the way it allows free basic access. That free access often turns into more profit than not, thanks again to sub options or the people who pay extra amounts. Look at DDO< LotRo and other examples of Ryzom's "velvet rope" model (not true FTP.)
FTP does not equal trolls, or bad players. If it does, it's the same as any other pay game. Again, if you do not think so, look at WoW and their stellar community -- all who pay 15 bucks a month.

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