Atys Transcendence

Welcome to Atys Transcendence! A new and improved Atys collective of humble but focused players. We are FYROS / KAMI aligned and take immense pride in our support of Ma-Duk and similarly aligned guilds. We do EVERYTHING from fame missions, trekking, heavy grinding (power leveling), Event participation, Boss Hunts, more grinding, and enjoying the company of all Homins on Atys. Any race is welcome to join us on our journey. We are a guild currently using Ventrilo to voice chat, and we urge you to experience Atys from every angle and most of all have fun!

PvP = Yes
Role Playing = Whatever you want ;)
Guild HQ = Pyr (Fountain St)

Best regards and safe journeys,

(Guild Leader)

(High Officer)


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Last visit Tuesday, 28 January 16:14:57 UTC

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