Temporary Insanity

Hello Homins

TI is going to resume the buttonsmashing NPC
killing after a nice Holiday Break and it was good
to take a well deserved Timeout. but is time to
continue trying to reach our Guild Goals.

We Finally got our Guildmates a White Set of
Marauder Armour which takes another Important
Step Forward in our Long Term Commitment to
our Members.

as of this moment the list is as follow:

Crafted Marauder Armour:

Black (check)
White (Check)

With Dropped Marauder Armour Sets is a bit
difficult to keep track of cause everyone wants a different
Colour but most our members have One Set already and
3 more to go.

have a good one :)


Am the Lizard King......... I can do Anything
Temporary Insanity Complaint Department Officer
Bring your own Tissues
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Last visit Wednesday, 18 September 13:31:27 UTC

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