Temporary Insanity

UpdateTime :

Hello everyone We at TI are Happy to announce the
completion of the 5th set of Marauders Plans, it is a bit
overwhelming to think that in just 10 Months we have
got 5 Npc Crafters in TI.

First Crafter was Yakapo that Crazy Blue Zorai was the
one that started instigating us to do it. So a well Deserved
Rewards for all his hard work. Gratz Yakapo :)

Next on the List Was Sarifina most everybody knows her
she is a Great Player and a even Greater Person we are
Lucky to have her.

Third Set of Plans Was Myself i think they just decided it
to make me a NPC Crafter to stop my Crying but i take it
anyway :)

4th was Zhola i couldnt think of a better Player to be a
NPC Crafter, one of the coolest person i have met and a
even hardworker Grats Z :)

5th Set of Plans went To Nitrouss that Crazy Aussie is a
Blast to play with and took long enough to get em.

We are not Done tho we still have a couple more that are
waiting for their Sets.

Stay Tuned ......


Am the Lizard King......... I can do Anything
Temporary Insanity Complaint Department Officer
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Last visit Wednesday, 18 September 13:33:48 UTC

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