Réveil surprise

A hominina opens her eyes with difficulty.
She's in a dark room in a bed...
The room is decrepit and dusty.
She breathes with difficulty, her arms heavy.
She can barely feel her legs.
His thoughts are confused.

Someone is approaching.
The homine closes her eyes.
She hears the old wooden floor creak under the visitor's footsteps.
She listens, as she was taught...
What's her name again?
Ka... nec... Nindën? nec... Canillia Oy that's it!
Eny, nett syln y? What am I?
A hand approaches, slowly, as if hesitantly.
Aelyne then opened her eyes, grabbed her hand and screamed:

Hubae! Help me!


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Last visit Sunday, 9 March 08:44:42 UTC

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