Eolinius is at home, sitting at his dining table.
He cuts a slice of gingerbread and stands pondering over his plate, recalling what happened a few days earlier when he and Liosta were able to approach Aelyne in Yrkanis' large greenhouse.
They had managed to get an appointment with a housekeeper from Ore Altae to introduce a maid - sorry, a nanny - to look after Liosta's future child.
Liosta: May I introduce Ser Eolinius.
Trignia : Deles Silam Sera Liosta Frerini
Trignia makes a courteous curtsy to Eolinius.
Eolinius: Pleased to meet you, Serae Trignia.
Trignia: Deles Silam Ser Ambassador.
Liosta, pointing to Eolinius: He's a colleague of my husband and was at our house when I received your izam. He has agreed to accompany me while my husband is detained.
Trignia stood up straight: Sil ne comprends cela n'aurait pas été respectable.
Liosta: And his tyll is better than mine.
Eolinius: Sil, your house's reputation is spreading beyond the borders of the Lochi.
Trignia: Please follow me.
Eolinius bowed to Trignia.
Trignia : suis ne Hubae...
Aelyne : Sil Serae Kin
Trignia entered the reception room of the large greenhouse, while Eolinius stood back behind Liosta.
Trignia: comfort is limited, but you can make yourself comfortable without risking your Serae reputation.
Liosta: That's thoughtful. The baby's starting to weigh. So let's see your candidate!
Eolinius nodded as Trignia pointed at Aelyne.
Trignia: Ne lye introduces Hubae, our best student at the moment.
Liosta: Deles Silam Hubae. Tell me a little about yourself.
Aelyne: I can't teach you anything very interesting Serae Kin .
Liosta: But what about your training and experience?
Aelyne: I joined the training several cycles ago, and was trained to look after children.
Liosta nodded in satisfaction.
Aelyne: I studied Matis literature, philosophy and basic sciences.
Liosta: What about poetry?
Aelyne: Of course, Serae-kin.
Liosta: Very good.
Aelyne: I know how to serve at home, I also know the rules of table service, and I've been recognized as having a certain talent for preparing Tchaï.
Liosta says seriously: "We'll try the milk first.
Trignia smiled discreetly.
Eolinius approached Liosta and said: "Ask her if she can speak Tyll...
Liosta: But one of the things we asked you about was your knowledge of tyll
Aelyne remained impassive and upright.
Aelyne : Y syln Antall Tryker Nair
Eolinius smiles.
Aelyne : Elysem Gan Lor Nair?
Liosta: Y Gan Lor eny le Antall is getting heavy.
Suddenly, a staggering, out-of-breath man entered the room.
Liosta : Oh ?
Liosta : Deles Silam Ser Cinabre
Trignia bowed to Cinabre.
Cinabre tried to catch his breath and speak.
Cinabre : ...De..les silam
Cinnabar : ... Serae Liosta
Liosta: Calm down, ser!
Cinabre curtsied courteously to Liosta.
Liosta: What's the matter with you?
Cinnabar: Resurrection isn't very pleasant.
Cinabre tried to regain his composure
Liosta: Ser Cinabre! What happened to you?
Cinabre: It's about ... Your protégé
Cinabre failed to mention the name.
Liosta: Have you heard from Stae?
Cinabre nodded
Liosta: Tell me?
Cinabre whispered to Liosta: With all these homins and homines?
Liosta: Come on then!
Eolinius looked at Liosta and Ser Cinabre: Y can continue the conversation if you need to speak in private Serae Liosta.
Liosta: Excuse me for a few seconds.
Liosta: I'll be right back. In the meantime, Ser Eolinius has my full confidence in evaluating the candidate.
Eolinius: I'm sure Serae Trignia won't mind.
Eolinius smiles: The Queen's confidante is very busy, you see. Please excuse her.
Trignia: Don't understand, of course.
Eolinius smiled diplomatically as Liosta left the room with Cinabre. He took a gingerbread in his hand.
Eolinius: You speak perfect Tyll, Hubae!
Aelyne lowered her head slightly.
Aelyne : Grytt Nair....Dra... ambassador
Eolinius coughed and looked at Hubae.
Eolinius: Were you raised in the Lochi?
Aelyne: I don't know Ser, Serae Febrini, I've been told I haven't been found.
Eolinius: Lor, so Hubae, the job is to take care of the unborn baby and prepare its bottles.
Aelyne listened attentively.
Eolinius says in a lower tone: You know, Serae Liosta, I shouldn't tell you this, but I sometimes long for the lakes.
Trignia held back a grimace
Eolinius: To remind herself of her childhood, she likes to prepare meals with a gingerbread flavor, like this one.
Eolinius waved the gingerbread under Hubae's nose.
Aelyne looked at the cookie: y could learn.
Eolinius handed Hubae the gingerbread: "Here, I'll give it to you, so you can improve your skills.
Trignia tried to regain control of the conversation.
Trignia: She can prepare basic meals of course, but if you need a cook we should be able to find one.
Aelyne looked questioningly at Trigna.
Eolinius: You're too kind Serae, but I think Hubae will be perfect for the job.
Trignia: Go ahead, Hubae, you can have it.
Aelyne took the cookie: Grytt Nair Ambassadeur.
Eolinius bowed slightly to Aelyne, but she remained impassive, then put the cookie back in her bag.
Eolinius then took another gingerbread in his hand.
Eolinius : Ver Lor !
Eolinius was pleased and relieved. His plan had succeeded. He had hidden a message in the thickness of the gingerbread for Aelyne. The message read as follows:
Beware of Ore Altae, they don't tell you the whole truth, so look for your real family...
A seed had to germinate in a tormented mind.
Eolinius: So, do you know how to entertain children too?
Aelyne : Oy Nair, y connais des comptines Al des jeux éducatifs.
Eolinius saw Liosta come back into the room and smile at him.
Trignia was beginning to get annoyed by the Trykeri's babble.
Liosta: How's the tyll?
Eolinius looked at Liosta: "This little one is just right for me.
Liosta: This is superb!
Liosta: Serae Trignia, could you quickly draw up her employment contract?
Trignia : We are confident that we can satisfy your Filira Serae family.
Liosta: I want her to take up her duties as soon as possible to get used to her new environment.
Trignia grimaced again.
Trignia: If Lye desired Hubae is at your service immediately, for the rest, we will forward this to your Filira husband, what do you think-Lye Serae?
Liosta: Well, first I'll have to get a bed and a place for her. But in the meantime ...
Liosta: Eo you have room at home?
Eolinius choked: "Huh?
Liosta: A hammock in the corner?
Eolinius: Bah .. uh ...
Eolinius: I don't live here...
Trignia: She knows how to make do with little and for the night she will return ....
Liosta: Go home?
Liosta: I'll need her mostly at night. Hubae? Do you have your teleporters?
Aelyne panicked a little....
Trignia says sharply: "Nec Serae, they don't have teleporters.
Liosta says: Hum ...
Eolinius: But ... I have an idea. Why don't we put her up with Ambassador Fleudetuber, who's here in Yrkanis, while you prepare a place for her at your place, Liosta?
Liosta: Oh, what a wonderful idea!
Eolinius: Of course, we'll have to warn him beforehand, so he's not too surprised.
Trignia grimaced: we'll do as you please, Serae.
Eolinius bowed gratefully to Trignia.
Liosta: That's all very well.
Eolinius: A well-run affair
Liosta: Absolutely! I'll be sure to advertise your diligence.
Trignia bowed to Liosta.
Trignia : Fila Serae
Liosta: I think it's going to be important to train housekeepers and nannies quickly. The birth of Karinae is likely to awaken some maternal instincts.
Trignia opina
Eolinius: Ver L...Very good! And don't forget to start practicing how to prepare Hubae meals!
Aelyne: Sil Serae-Kin won't do it
Liosta: So we're off to the embassy with Hubae, but I must say I need to rest.
Eolinius: Don't you think we should warn Fleur before Serae Liosta?
Liosta: No time!
Trignia: Hubae, the is in the service of Serae Frerini from now on.
Eolinius: I wouldn't want him to have a heart attack, he's .... a bit old.
Aelyne : Sil Serae-Kin
Liosta smiles: But you're going to warn him gently, aren't you!
Trignia : ne vais Lye laisser, n'ai des papiers à faire...
Eolinius bowed to Trignia.
Trignia : Fila for your trust Serae
Liosta : Filae Serae Trignia !
Trignia curtsied courteously to Liosta and bowed to Eolinius.
Eolinius: Grytt .. Thank you Serae
Liosta addressed Aelyne: Hubae, I'll be for you Liosta
Aelyne: I'm at your service Serae-Kin, what can I do for Lye Serae-kin?
Liosta: For the time being, I'll have to go back and give the orders for your installation.
Eolinius : okal y sul laisse tout expliquer a Hubae, y vais attendre dehors.
Eolinius gestured to Liosta.
Liosta: Do you know the lakes?
Aelyne hesitated: ....
Aelyne: Don't ignore Serae-Kin
Eolinius emerged from the large greenhouse and sent an express izam to Fleurdetuber.
After ten minutes or so, Liosta left with Aelyne.
Liosta: Hubae give us two seconds please, I need to speak to Ser Eolinus
Eolinius : Oy Ny-Liosta ?
Liosta lowered his voice: I've got to go home. I'm starting to feel stabbing pains. It must be contractions.
Eolinius kissed Liosta on the cheek.
Liosta: Are you taking Hubae to Fleur?
Eolinius pointed at Fleurdetuber: Here he is!
Liosta says: Ser Fleur?
Fleurdetuber says: Sil Serae Liosta
Eolinius : Lordoy Fleur, a sul reçus mon izam ?
Fleurdetuber : Oy Eo
Eolinius: It's imperative that Aelyne regains her memory on her own, otherwise she'll violently reject the truth.
Fleurdetuber looked around.
Eolinius: Ver Lor, let's introduce Hubae
Fleurdetuber says: what can I do for Lye Ser?
Eolinius says: Hubae? Can you come over?
Fleurdetuber trembled slightly: Hubae?
Aelyne : Sil Ser-kin
Liosta: Hubae voila Ser fleur. You'll be staying with him until everything is ready.
Eolinius: This is Fleudetuber, an old friend of mine, and he'll put you up.
Fleurdetuber's hands were shaking: I'm going to put her up at the embassy
Aelyne: as you wish Serae-Kin
Liosta: Perhaps this face is one of the images that come to you at night?
Aelyne: Don't know, Serae.
Liosta murmured to Fleur: She's taking a drug that may be taking away her memories. You should have it analyzed by Serae Canillia.
Fleurdetuber: Laye maie suivez ne jeune fille, Serae Liosta must be tired
Eolinius : Grytt Ny-Fleur
Liosta smiles at Hubae: follow Ser Fleur with confidence.
Fleurdetuber : Seelagan Ny-Talla
Liosta: And don't forget I'm counting on you!
Aelyne : Seelagan Ny-Eo
Eolinius smiles: Seelagan Hubae
Aelyne confused: heu Seen Nair Ambassador
Liosta: Seelagan! I'm coming in!
Eolinius made a courteous curtsy to Aelyne.
Liosta kissed Eolinius back
Aelyne blushed
Eolinius says: Y leaves you, y must go back to the lakes
Aelyne made a most courteous curtsy to Eolinius.
Eolinius bowed respectfully.
Liosta gestured to Eolinius.
He cuts a slice of gingerbread and stands pondering over his plate, recalling what happened a few days earlier when he and Liosta were able to approach Aelyne in Yrkanis' large greenhouse.
They had managed to get an appointment with a housekeeper from Ore Altae to introduce a maid - sorry, a nanny - to look after Liosta's future child.
Liosta: May I introduce Ser Eolinius.
Trignia : Deles Silam Sera Liosta Frerini
Trignia makes a courteous curtsy to Eolinius.
Eolinius: Pleased to meet you, Serae Trignia.
Trignia: Deles Silam Ser Ambassador.
Liosta, pointing to Eolinius: He's a colleague of my husband and was at our house when I received your izam. He has agreed to accompany me while my husband is detained.
Trignia stood up straight: Sil ne comprends cela n'aurait pas été respectable.
Liosta: And his tyll is better than mine.
Eolinius: Sil, your house's reputation is spreading beyond the borders of the Lochi.
Trignia: Please follow me.
Eolinius bowed to Trignia.
Trignia : suis ne Hubae...
Aelyne : Sil Serae Kin
Trignia entered the reception room of the large greenhouse, while Eolinius stood back behind Liosta.
Trignia: comfort is limited, but you can make yourself comfortable without risking your Serae reputation.
Liosta: That's thoughtful. The baby's starting to weigh. So let's see your candidate!
Eolinius nodded as Trignia pointed at Aelyne.
Trignia: Ne lye introduces Hubae, our best student at the moment.
Liosta: Deles Silam Hubae. Tell me a little about yourself.
Aelyne: I can't teach you anything very interesting Serae Kin .
Liosta: But what about your training and experience?
Aelyne: I joined the training several cycles ago, and was trained to look after children.
Liosta nodded in satisfaction.
Aelyne: I studied Matis literature, philosophy and basic sciences.
Liosta: What about poetry?
Aelyne: Of course, Serae-kin.
Liosta: Very good.
Aelyne: I know how to serve at home, I also know the rules of table service, and I've been recognized as having a certain talent for preparing Tchaï.
Liosta says seriously: "We'll try the milk first.
Trignia smiled discreetly.
Eolinius approached Liosta and said: "Ask her if she can speak Tyll...
Liosta: But one of the things we asked you about was your knowledge of tyll
Aelyne remained impassive and upright.
Aelyne : Y syln Antall Tryker Nair
Eolinius smiles.
Aelyne : Elysem Gan Lor Nair?
Liosta: Y Gan Lor eny le Antall is getting heavy.
Suddenly, a staggering, out-of-breath man entered the room.
Liosta : Oh ?
Liosta : Deles Silam Ser Cinabre
Trignia bowed to Cinabre.
Cinabre tried to catch his breath and speak.
Cinabre : ...De..les silam
Cinnabar : ... Serae Liosta
Liosta: Calm down, ser!
Cinabre curtsied courteously to Liosta.
Liosta: What's the matter with you?
Cinnabar: Resurrection isn't very pleasant.
Cinabre tried to regain his composure
Liosta: Ser Cinabre! What happened to you?
Cinabre: It's about ... Your protégé
Cinabre failed to mention the name.
Liosta: Have you heard from Stae?
Cinabre nodded
Liosta: Tell me?
Cinabre whispered to Liosta: With all these homins and homines?
Liosta: Come on then!
Eolinius looked at Liosta and Ser Cinabre: Y can continue the conversation if you need to speak in private Serae Liosta.
Liosta: Excuse me for a few seconds.
Liosta: I'll be right back. In the meantime, Ser Eolinius has my full confidence in evaluating the candidate.
Eolinius: I'm sure Serae Trignia won't mind.
Eolinius smiles: The Queen's confidante is very busy, you see. Please excuse her.
Trignia: Don't understand, of course.
Eolinius smiled diplomatically as Liosta left the room with Cinabre. He took a gingerbread in his hand.
Eolinius: You speak perfect Tyll, Hubae!
Aelyne lowered her head slightly.
Aelyne : Grytt Nair....Dra... ambassador
Eolinius coughed and looked at Hubae.
Eolinius: Were you raised in the Lochi?
Aelyne: I don't know Ser, Serae Febrini, I've been told I haven't been found.
Eolinius: Lor, so Hubae, the job is to take care of the unborn baby and prepare its bottles.
Aelyne listened attentively.
Eolinius says in a lower tone: You know, Serae Liosta, I shouldn't tell you this, but I sometimes long for the lakes.
Trignia held back a grimace
Eolinius: To remind herself of her childhood, she likes to prepare meals with a gingerbread flavor, like this one.
Eolinius waved the gingerbread under Hubae's nose.
Aelyne looked at the cookie: y could learn.
Eolinius handed Hubae the gingerbread: "Here, I'll give it to you, so you can improve your skills.
Trignia tried to regain control of the conversation.
Trignia: She can prepare basic meals of course, but if you need a cook we should be able to find one.
Aelyne looked questioningly at Trigna.
Eolinius: You're too kind Serae, but I think Hubae will be perfect for the job.
Trignia: Go ahead, Hubae, you can have it.
Aelyne took the cookie: Grytt Nair Ambassadeur.
Eolinius bowed slightly to Aelyne, but she remained impassive, then put the cookie back in her bag.
Eolinius then took another gingerbread in his hand.
Eolinius : Ver Lor !
Eolinius was pleased and relieved. His plan had succeeded. He had hidden a message in the thickness of the gingerbread for Aelyne. The message read as follows:
Beware of Ore Altae, they don't tell you the whole truth, so look for your real family...
A seed had to germinate in a tormented mind.
Eolinius: So, do you know how to entertain children too?
Aelyne : Oy Nair, y connais des comptines Al des jeux éducatifs.
Eolinius saw Liosta come back into the room and smile at him.
Trignia was beginning to get annoyed by the Trykeri's babble.
Liosta: How's the tyll?
Eolinius looked at Liosta: "This little one is just right for me.
Liosta: This is superb!
Liosta: Serae Trignia, could you quickly draw up her employment contract?
Trignia : We are confident that we can satisfy your Filira Serae family.
Liosta: I want her to take up her duties as soon as possible to get used to her new environment.
Trignia grimaced again.
Trignia: If Lye desired Hubae is at your service immediately, for the rest, we will forward this to your Filira husband, what do you think-Lye Serae?
Liosta: Well, first I'll have to get a bed and a place for her. But in the meantime ...
Liosta: Eo you have room at home?
Eolinius choked: "Huh?
Liosta: A hammock in the corner?
Eolinius: Bah .. uh ...
Eolinius: I don't live here...
Trignia: She knows how to make do with little and for the night she will return ....
Liosta: Go home?
Liosta: I'll need her mostly at night. Hubae? Do you have your teleporters?
Aelyne panicked a little....
Trignia says sharply: "Nec Serae, they don't have teleporters.
Liosta says: Hum ...
Eolinius: But ... I have an idea. Why don't we put her up with Ambassador Fleudetuber, who's here in Yrkanis, while you prepare a place for her at your place, Liosta?
Liosta: Oh, what a wonderful idea!
Eolinius: Of course, we'll have to warn him beforehand, so he's not too surprised.
Trignia grimaced: we'll do as you please, Serae.
Eolinius bowed gratefully to Trignia.
Liosta: That's all very well.
Eolinius: A well-run affair
Liosta: Absolutely! I'll be sure to advertise your diligence.
Trignia bowed to Liosta.
Trignia : Fila Serae
Liosta: I think it's going to be important to train housekeepers and nannies quickly. The birth of Karinae is likely to awaken some maternal instincts.
Trignia opina
Eolinius: Ver L...Very good! And don't forget to start practicing how to prepare Hubae meals!
Aelyne: Sil Serae-Kin won't do it
Liosta: So we're off to the embassy with Hubae, but I must say I need to rest.
Eolinius: Don't you think we should warn Fleur before Serae Liosta?
Liosta: No time!
Trignia: Hubae, the is in the service of Serae Frerini from now on.
Eolinius: I wouldn't want him to have a heart attack, he's .... a bit old.
Aelyne : Sil Serae-Kin
Liosta smiles: But you're going to warn him gently, aren't you!
Trignia : ne vais Lye laisser, n'ai des papiers à faire...
Eolinius bowed to Trignia.
Trignia : Fila for your trust Serae
Liosta : Filae Serae Trignia !
Trignia curtsied courteously to Liosta and bowed to Eolinius.
Eolinius: Grytt .. Thank you Serae
Liosta addressed Aelyne: Hubae, I'll be for you Liosta
Aelyne: I'm at your service Serae-Kin, what can I do for Lye Serae-kin?
Liosta: For the time being, I'll have to go back and give the orders for your installation.
Eolinius : okal y sul laisse tout expliquer a Hubae, y vais attendre dehors.
Eolinius gestured to Liosta.
Liosta: Do you know the lakes?
Aelyne hesitated: ....
Aelyne: Don't ignore Serae-Kin
Eolinius emerged from the large greenhouse and sent an express izam to Fleurdetuber.
After ten minutes or so, Liosta left with Aelyne.
Liosta: Hubae give us two seconds please, I need to speak to Ser Eolinus
Eolinius : Oy Ny-Liosta ?
Liosta lowered his voice: I've got to go home. I'm starting to feel stabbing pains. It must be contractions.
Eolinius kissed Liosta on the cheek.
Liosta: Are you taking Hubae to Fleur?
Eolinius pointed at Fleurdetuber: Here he is!
Liosta says: Ser Fleur?
Fleurdetuber says: Sil Serae Liosta
Eolinius : Lordoy Fleur, a sul reçus mon izam ?
Fleurdetuber : Oy Eo
Eolinius: It's imperative that Aelyne regains her memory on her own, otherwise she'll violently reject the truth.
Fleurdetuber looked around.
Eolinius: Ver Lor, let's introduce Hubae
Fleurdetuber says: what can I do for Lye Ser?
Eolinius says: Hubae? Can you come over?
Fleurdetuber trembled slightly: Hubae?
Aelyne : Sil Ser-kin
Liosta: Hubae voila Ser fleur. You'll be staying with him until everything is ready.
Eolinius: This is Fleudetuber, an old friend of mine, and he'll put you up.
Fleurdetuber's hands were shaking: I'm going to put her up at the embassy
Aelyne: as you wish Serae-Kin
Liosta: Perhaps this face is one of the images that come to you at night?
Aelyne: Don't know, Serae.
Liosta murmured to Fleur: She's taking a drug that may be taking away her memories. You should have it analyzed by Serae Canillia.
Fleurdetuber: Laye maie suivez ne jeune fille, Serae Liosta must be tired
Eolinius : Grytt Ny-Fleur
Liosta smiles at Hubae: follow Ser Fleur with confidence.
Fleurdetuber : Seelagan Ny-Talla
Liosta: And don't forget I'm counting on you!
Aelyne : Seelagan Ny-Eo
Eolinius smiles: Seelagan Hubae
Aelyne confused: heu Seen Nair Ambassador
Liosta: Seelagan! I'm coming in!
Eolinius made a courteous curtsy to Aelyne.
Liosta kissed Eolinius back
Aelyne blushed
Eolinius says: Y leaves you, y must go back to the lakes
Aelyne made a most courteous curtsy to Eolinius.
Eolinius bowed respectfully.
Liosta gestured to Eolinius.