
Stepping down

(the evening's logs have been slightly revised, plus a few lucios)

The Fairhaven market is in full swing, with shoppers lining up at the stalls and onlookers enjoying a drink at the refreshment stalls or in front of the campfire.

Kyriann shouts: Pickaxes!
Kyriann shouts: Who wants a pickaxe?
Ostium says: And you're the one selling new antiques? *cough*
Nilstilar makes a courteous curtsy to Ostium.
Nilstilar says: Nair Ostium! Always faithful to the post! *rit*
Eolinius says: Lordoy Ad Toll!
Kyriann shouts: And what's more, they're beautiful!
Eolinius smiled at the ambassador
Ostium says: Faithful to the post... Less than I should. My friends must sometimes find me a little too absent.
Aprak says: Lordoy
Eolinius says: Lordoy Nair-Ambassador!
Ostium says: But it's good to see you. It's been a while, I think.
Kyriann shouts: Do you want a pickaxe, Lala?
Nilstilar laughing: I don't sell anything, nec. For the good reason that I no longer make anything but bouquets... which are offered to ladies and not sold *smiles*.
Craftjenn salutes
Kayox waves to Cinabre.
Nilstilar says: Lordoy ad sul, Nail collègue!
Nilstilar makes a courteous curtsy to Eolinius.
Kayox says: Do you have light armour?
Eolinius makes a courteous curtsy to Craftjenn.
Nilstilar says: Woren siloy, Serae Craftjenn!
Khlael makes a courteous bow to Jorgensen.
Kyriann shouts: "What quality do you want your pickaxe in?
Eolinius waves to Chenli.
Nilstilar makes a courteous bow to Craftjenn.
Eolinius waves to Kurutani.
Kyriann shouts: 150?
Kurutani throws rice at Eolinius.
Saldana hands Craftjenn another glass.
Ostium loses to Craftjenn.
Ostium shouts: Nair Craftjenn! Atys' best reporter!
Jorgensen says: MY HACK 100% damage and speed!
Khlael says: Does anyone make jewelry?
Kyriann shouts: Everyone needs a pickaxe
Ostium says: Lordoy!
Nilstilar throws a few chai leaves into the simmering water and sits back down.
Craftjenn says: Thank you Ostium
Kayox is pensive
Jorgensen says: I had my first customer! a two-handed axe user
Cinabre shouts: Heavy armor and 2-handed weapons, this way!
Saldana says: Wow! Congratulations!
Kyriann shouts: "And here's a nice pick for 7500 dappers!
Kyriann shouts: "The jewelry seller is coming!
Nilstilar Definitely, prefers bouquets, to impress .
Kyriann shouts: What kind of jewelry do you need?
Craftjenn says: Kayox contacted me because he wants to come to the Almati Wood Circle.
Cinabre shouts: *broken voice* Armor... kof kof kof
Aprak shouts: Oh, let him in Craft!
Nilstilar low to Eolinius: An-Nair is ill?
Ostium says: Well, it's thirsty, and I'm happy.
Ostium shouts: It's on me!
Eolinius replies to the ambassador: I haven't seen her yet, but last time she was in good health.
Ostium says: And on that note, I'm off to get a byrh!
Nilstilar relieved: Laye mai!
Nilstilar pours himself a bowl of hot chai and squeezes it between his fingers, sniffing its fragrance: Aaaah! It's been a long time!
Eolinius sits next to the ambassador
Cinabre shouts: Heavy armor, enough to protect you from the Ugly Torbaks!
Cinabre cries out: armor and weapons made right before your eyes!
Eolinius says: Are you well, Nair-Nilstilar? It's been a long time since we've seen you.
Nilstilar says: In fact, the reason I've come here today, Nair-Éolinius, is that I recently ceased to merit the title of Karan ambassador, and wanted to inform everyone that Ser Cinabre will now represent him to Ailan McKean...
Eolinius coughs a little and nods.
Ostium coughs: What!?! So it's true?
Eolinius says: Oy, Ser-Cinabre has informed us
Eolinius says: And I find it most regrettable
Cinabre shouts: Rustic refugee spike, 15th circle!
Nilstilar says: Laye mai! That proves he's at least as talkative as me! A fundamental quality for a diplomat! *laughs heartily
Ostium laughs: And he offered a barrel of byrh! He knows how to make friends here!
Eolinius laughs as he hears Ostium
Nilstilar says: Have no regrets, Nair Eolinius. I am greatly diminished, as you may have noticed.
Eolinius says: Not in the least Nair-Nistilar, your mind is still very sharp.
Cinabre shouts: Armor and weapons of the Fiery Desert!
Jorgensen says: Wait, there's an ambassador position to be filled?
Nilstilar smiles at Jorgensen
Eolinius laughs as he hears Jorgensen
Kyriann shouts: I've got some magnificent medium armor!
Areliana says: Hello, how do I request light armor?
Nilstilar sips his chai in silence.
Eolinius takes out slices of gingerbread
Kyriann crie: be elegant in all circumstances with a white medium trylker!
Cinabre shouts: Heavy armor! The only guarantee of survival against gingo fangs!
Kyriann waves to Skooterpie.
Kyriann shouts: Lordoy Nair!
Kyriann shouts: Can I offer you a pickaxe?
Eolinius says: Nair-Ambassador, would you like some gingerbread with your chai?
Nilstilar says: Nec, Nair Eolinius. But Grytt! *smiles*
Cinabre says: Lourdes! What better way to be well protected?
Ostium thinks for a moment... : Um, I'll be right back.
Cinabre shouts: Heavy armor!
Eolinius says: Du monde hein ce soir!
Eolinius waves to Otall.
Ostium waves to Cinabre.
Ostium says: Nair Cinabre! I have a child, Incal, who may well need heavy armor.
Ostium says: He's always running around, and too often comes back with scratches.
Ostium says: From the 15th circle should be perfect I think oy.
Nilstilar waves to Otall.
Ostium says: A Fyros suit of armor! Very good! It'll show him what suits of armor his father grew up in.
Otall makes a courteous curtsy to Nilstilar.
Otall says: Deles Silam Ser Sadeur Nilstilar
Eolinius admires O'Tall in his beautiful Drakan armor
Otall gestures to Eolinius.
Otall smiles Doy ny-Eo... Linius
Eolinius says: Lordoy Ny-O'Tall
Otall makes a courteous curtsy to Craftjenn.
Craftjenn says: so Kayox.... What do you like to do with your days? Kayox says: I like to stick my head in the sawdust! I also like to dig!
Otall says: Eo? Have you seen the almost Sadeur in Fyros legionary armor!
Eolinius turns to see Cinabre: eh?
Ostium says: O'Tall. Our Drakani armor looks great on you!
Otall bursts out laughing
Ostium looks at the armor: It looks very good. How much will it be?
Cinabre says: 45,000 dappers, if we stick to courses....
Ostium says: It's perfect
Cinabre and Ostium clap hands.
Cinabre says: Oh, fila, nair Ostium
Eolinius nearly chokes on the price of the armor
Ostium says: Grytt Nair. A pleasure.
Cinabre smiles: For me too
Ostium says: Once your sales are made, we hope to see you with us.
Eolinius note: a future sales ambassador
Cinabre says: Sincèrement désolé... plus de quoi fabriquer d'armures
Cinabre says: Nair Jorgensen, I won't compete with you anymore. I'll sell my weapons another time
Cinabre bows to Eolinius.
Jorgensen says: I was hoping to sell them all before my guild master realized that some materials were missing.
Cinabre clears his throat: It's enough to break your voice...
Jorgensen says: {:i need a new sales tactic..}@{ I need a new sales tactic...
Nilstilar says: Try blackmail, nair!
Ostium puffs.
Eolinius says: Would you like some gingerbread to sweeten your throat, Ser-Cinabre?
Eolinius smiles
Cinabre nods: Oh, with pleasure, Nair Eolinius. Fila
Jorgensen says: if this venture fails, I'll have to become a water carrier again.
Eolinius gives Cinabre a slice: I love gingerbread with chai
Cinabre thanks Eolinius
Cinabre is grateful to Eolinius.
Eolinius smiles
Cinabre bites into the gingerbread
Cinabre says: Oh... ashes, my fire
Cinabre waves to Kyriann.
Kyriann waves to Cinabre.
Cinabre says: By the way, Nair. I'm rather new to drilling...
Otall looks at Nils: how's Nair Sadeur doing?
Cinabre pulls out his bulging purse
Cinabre says: Perfect
Nilstilar À Otall: Slowly, Nair Otall, slowly *smiles*.
Otall notes that the almost Sadeur is rich
Kyriann shouts: Greslin 150 picks?
Cinabre says: sil
Nilstilar continues: That's why I've decided to hand over to Ser Cinabre here.
Cinabre says
Cinabre and Kyriann clap hands.
Eolinius bows his head
Nilstilar low to Christianils: You're going to burn yourself, idiot!
Ostium says: I still hope you'll come back to visit us from time to time, Nair Nilstilar.
Cinabre packs its new picks into its pouch
Eolinius approves Ostium: there will always be chai for you at Ba'Naer
Nilstilar says: Very likely, Nair. My love for Atys and its people has not wavered. Only my strength *smiles*.
Otall casts a surprised eye over .... Jorgensen's rear guard
Otall smiles happily
Jorgensen says: Do you need a sword or an axe, Kayox?
Jorgensen says: I'll answer that question for you: yes.
Kayox says: I fight mainly with a pike, but a sword will do, I suppose.
Nilstilar low to Christianils: There! That's better!
Kyriann shouts: "I'll get you a nice Areliana roundache!
Kyriann shouts: Don't move!
Cinabre snaps out of his reverie and says out loud without paying attention: ... this serae draychale is running down my neck...
Cinabre pauses
Nilstilar says: How healthy she is!
Jorgensen says: I don't like to shout, but Kyriann ordered me to. To increase sales
Nilstilar says: I'm jealous!
Craftjenn thinks that Jorgensen is already a very good saleswoman, but without shouting
Nilstilar is seized by a sudden drowsiness.
Ostium drinks its byrh.
Aprak says: A drunk person!
Jorgensen says: we're all drunk, aprak
Ostium takes a sip and smiles: Aren't they used to byrh?
Qiibiao shouts: I SELL LIGHT WEAPONS !!!!
Kyriann shouts: Everyone needs picks!
Qiibiao very low: Starting his career this very evening.
Otall says: Grytt Nair
Qiibiao says: Get ready Cinnabar, I'll show no mercy!
Cinabre says: Ah!!!
Ostium raises an eyebrow: What's going on?
Cinabre shouts: Qiibiao! I remind you that you'll have to sweep the Hall
Cinnabar rumbles Qiibiao
Qiibiao shouts: We'll see if he talks after this one!
Cinabre takes comfort in his byrh
Qiibiao says: All right, Cinabre. You've won a battle, but not yet the war!
Cinabre looks pensively at Ostium.
Cinabre is not very happy
Ostium says: A problem Nair Cinabre?
Cinabre says: Nec... a Synoeca officer who will become a member again
Ostium says: Oh, internal affairs.
Qiibiao shouts: But of course!!! Here! So much for your threats!
Cinnabar laughs: Not really
Qiibiao says: So, Cinabre, are you cold yet?
Cinabre says: He's definitely forcing my hand...
Eolinius looks at Cinabre
Ostium shouts: Beware! If you start a snowball fight in Tryker country, you don't know what you're getting yourself into!
Qiibiao A Cinabre: I think I'm running out of resources.
Cinabre glares at Qiibiao
Otall can't understand why it's snowing on the almost Sadeur
Otall says: where did this one come from?


Hayt says: Hey, Jorgensen, stop moving!
Nilstilar wakes with a start
Cinabre looks at Nilstilar
Otall trains. One, two...
Cinabre smiles and laughs under his breath
Otall makes a courteous curtsy to Funrale.
Otall says: Doy Ny-Funral
Nilstilar bowed to Funrale.
Kurutani says: So, Ashgan, are you cold yet?
Qiibiao includes Aprak.
Kyriann kisses Funrale on both cheeks.
Ostium stretches his shoulder, convinced there's going to be some sport.
Funrale says: Homins, Homines, Lordoy Ad Toll!
Otall and Funrale clap hands.
Eolinius makes a courteous curtsy to Funrale.
Kurutani says: Hey! Chenli, stop moving!
Nilstilar says: Lordy ad sul, Nair Funrale.
Eolinius says: Funrale!
Funrale says: It's warm Lor tonight!
Kurutani says: Careful, Funrale, she's come a long way!
Ashgan says: It's the Chenli party!
Funrale says: How did the Ny-Kyky deal go? *shudders having received an icy wind*
Kyriann says: I sold pickaxes, a shield and everything else!
Kyriann says: I'm so happy
Funrale says: Oh Lor!!!
Kurutani says: So, Nilstilar, are you cold yet?
Ashgan says: we're going to have to launch something to collect customer reviews, kyriann
Cinabre says: hem... I must get back to my caravan
Kyriann says: Hahaha, Nilstilar, right in the face!
Kyriann says: And wham! How was Nilstilar?
Ostium says: All right, Nilstilar. You've won a battle, but not yet the war!
Eolinius says: So, Nilstilar, are you cold yet?
Ostium says: Nair Nilstilar! We weren't going to let this go!
Kyriann says: All right, Nilstilar. You've won a battle, but not yet the war!
Ostium says: Prepare yourself Nilstilar, I'll show no mercy!
Kyriann says: So, Nilstilar, are you cold yet?
Eolinius says: Hahaha, Nilstilar, right in the face!
Kyriann says: All right, Nilstilar. You've won a battle, but not yet the war!
Laughing cinnabar
Ostium shouts: For Nilstilar!
Eolinius says: Nilstilar, I'm going to get you!
Ostium says: Nilstilar, I'm going to get you!
Cinabre says: I'm coming to your rescue, Ser
Eolinius says: Nilstilar, I'm going to get you!
Eolinius says: hahaha
Eolinius says: Prepare yourself Nilstilar, I'll show no mercy!
Otall bursts out laughing
Jorgensen says: Have you elected a new ambassador?
Kyriann says: Hahaha, Nilstilar, right in the face!
Nilstilar says: Arrgh... I can't breathe

Ambassador Nilstilar transformed into a snowman

Kyriann says: Hahaha, Nilstilar, right in the face!
Ostium says: All right, Nilstilar. You've won a battle, but not yet the war!
Cinabre says: So, Ostium, are you cold yet?
Ostium says: It's very hot in the Lochi sun. Here's something to cool you down!
Kyriann says: Ambassador Nair, we'll miss you!
Ostium says: Hey! Cinnabar, stop moving!
Cinabre says: argh!
Craftjenn says: A handful of colors for Cinabre!
Nilstilar says: Moo nec! *mutters the interested party
Nilstilar says: With Ser Cinabre, you're on the safe side *smiles*.
Ostium says: Oh oy Nair Amba... Nilstilar. We'll miss Sul
Ashgan says: he knows what's waiting for him, doesn't he?
Otall says: ha? and what are you going to do next?
Nilstilar says: There's life after politics, Nair Otall, you know!
Cinabre says: Good, Meria naia, Nairi!
Cinabre says: Deles necat
Cinabre bows respectfully.
Cinabre makes a courteous curtsy to Nilstilar.
Ostium says: Seelagan Nair Cinabre
Otall says: Deles Necat Ser Cinabre
Jorgensen says: Is the deal over? Can I shed my elf costume and regain my self-esteem?
Cinabre makes a courteous curtsy to Ostium.
Nilstilar says: Meraie naïa, Ser Ambassdeur. Jena keep you and make you prosper in these wet places! *smiles*
Eolinius shouts: Nair Trykeri !
Eolinius shouts: Make a guard of honor for the Nilstilar ambassador!
Kyriann says: Oy Nair Ambassador!
Funrale cries out that Nilstilar is a hero.
Jorgensen says: HUZZAH!
Craftjenn says: A handful of colors for Nilstilar!
Craftjenn says: Nilstilar... The best target for confetti!

The hedge of honor formed by the Drakani in front of ambassador Nilstilar

Nilstilar blushes: Namého! What's wrong?
Kyriann says: Voilà! Hurrah!
Nilstilar says: I hate hedges!
Kyriann says: Hurray
Eolinius shouts: Tor Lochi!
Ostium shouts: Tor Lochi!
Ostium shouts: Tor Nilstilar! And thanks for the fish... Huh, ah no, sorry!
Otall says: Davae Naïa Ser
Kyriann says: Come home Nair Ambassador!
Funrale says: You're going to have to fill up at the Fairhaven Nair-Nilstilar bar. You're as thick as a messab!
Aprak crie : Lorandoy
Kyriann shouts: Tor Nilstilar!
Qiibiao bows to this happy and pleasant company: GOOD NIGHT !!!!
Kyriann shouts: Come back and see us!
Eolinius shouts: Lordreen Tor Nilstilar!
Nilstilar says: Always, Serae Craftjenn: Jena be praised!
Ostium shouts: Lordreen tor Nilstilar!
Ostium empties his tankard in one gulp.
Eolinius smiles
Eolinius says: I think he was moved
Ostium smiles: I think so too.
Craftjenn says: Eo who? Nils?
Funrale says: Y is going to leave you. Y is happy to have seen you again and Y wishes you a happy Atysoel!
Aprak says: Noooooo I liked the elf costume!
Funrale bows respectfully.
Ashgan says: Hahaha, Ostium, right in the face!
Ostium says: Oh, the vile! I've used up all my ammunition! The scoundrel!
Ostium laughs.
Ashgan says: Hey! Ostium, stop moving!
Ostium rubs his arms together for warmth: it's not even cold!
Craftjenn says: It's Kyriann's party!
Aprak says: After the party? Will there be Byrh?
Ashgan says: there's always Byrh at the market!
Ashgan says: ah these young people...
Ostium says: You have to teach them everything...

The last passers-by leave the market
Eolinius is a little saddened by the departure of Ambassador Nisltilar.

We'll miss you, dear colleague!

Ambassador Eolinius, Ambassador Nilstilar, Taliar Kyriann
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Last visit Saturday, 18 January 05:20:06 UTC

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