Réveil surprise

Hubae is on a gloomy path.

She sees that the path has been trodden by generations of feet.
So it's easy to follow.
The young homine doesn't remember how she got here.
So, for want of an idea, she walks cautiously towards an indistinct shape on a hill.
She senses menacing presences all around her.
But she doesn't know why she knows she's safe.

Hubae raises his head to orient himself with the stars.
She doesn't know where she is.
She saw no light in this strange, black, bottomless sky.

Suddenly, she found herself in front of a heavy door.
Without realizing it, she arrived in front of an ancient manor tree.
This house seems to have been abandoned.
The door is locked.
All around, greedy, indistinct shadows murmur:

Hubaeeeee, Hubae, leave this .... place... cursed and without hope.

Go away!

You won't find yourself here!

They abandoned you and left....
...Sans espoi...."

Hubae ignores the Falacieuse voices.

With a large Fyros axe in hand, the hominin circles the mansion to find an entrance.

A little way off, an old tree draws his attention.
Underneath is a very old moss-covered tombstone.
She approaches and scratches the moss to read the name: rook.
The name doesn't ring a bell, so she continues.

Still without knowing how: she found herself at the door.
With her hand, she makes it resonate with the heavy knocker.
Suddenly, as if ripped from the tree itself, the door opens with a frightening creak.

The Trykette enters, her footsteps marking the accumulated dust.
She climbs the creaking staircase. It threatens to collapse with every step.
Once upstairs, a soft light draws her into a dark room.

On the bed, a form breathes with difficulty.
Hubae approaches, worried.
She can't help but reach out with a trembling hand to pull aside the blanket and take a look.
In bed, a wheezing trykette moves limply.
Hubae brings his hand up to turn it over.

Suddenly, in a gesture, a feverish, skeletal hand grabs her wrist and with a groan:

Hubae! Help me!


With a howl, Hubae suddenly wakes up in the darkness of the dormitory...

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