An evening in the D'Ore Altae offices:
What do you want, Hubae-wivan? Have you finished your chores?"
The young trykette hesitates: .
Syl Serae-Kin.
Have you heard from Lye about my engagement?"
The annoyed Matis:
Sil, we may have a lead...
Lye know how to look after children, don't you?
Sil Serae-Kin, I was trained for this.
_ Laye Maie, Lye pouvez disposer."
the hesitant Trykette doesn't move:
_" other things hubae-wivan?"
Hubae a little worried:
Wouldn't want to bore Lye with my Serae-Kin problems:
Tana alye, ne se mata mine Nityaena..."
The increasingly annoyed Matis:
You spoke to a tryker-wivan today? so what?"
Hubae increasingly hesitant:
_ "...He seemed to know me: he ...frightened me.
He bore the Arms of the House of Black Dragons."
The old Matis shows her concern:
dragons? are lye certain?
_ Sil Sera-Kin, he spoke to me in the language of little people E he wore the coat of arms of the Lochi Guard well."
In spite of herself, Hubae can't help keeping certain information to herself:
That's why I came to Lye for advice, Serae-Kin.
Lay maie Nityae-hubae , Lye have done well.
Come on Lye rest.
By the way, Hubae, did Lye take your medicine tonight?
Nec still Serae-Kin, but I'm not better, maybe it's not...
Don't worry about your Nityae-hubae debt, Ore Altae knows how to take care of its children.
Sil Serae-Kin, Fila, Si Lye no longer need Ne? Puis-ne dispose?"
The preoccupied old Matis:
-Sil, Faites!
What do you want, Hubae-wivan? Have you finished your chores?"
The young trykette hesitates: .
Syl Serae-Kin.
Have you heard from Lye about my engagement?"
The annoyed Matis:
Sil, we may have a lead...
Lye know how to look after children, don't you?
Sil Serae-Kin, I was trained for this.
_ Laye Maie, Lye pouvez disposer."
the hesitant Trykette doesn't move:
_" other things hubae-wivan?"
Hubae a little worried:
Wouldn't want to bore Lye with my Serae-Kin problems:
Tana alye, ne se mata mine Nityaena..."
The increasingly annoyed Matis:
You spoke to a tryker-wivan today? so what?"
Hubae increasingly hesitant:
_ "...He seemed to know me: he ...frightened me.
He bore the Arms of the House of Black Dragons."
The old Matis shows her concern:
dragons? are lye certain?
_ Sil Sera-Kin, he spoke to me in the language of little people E he wore the coat of arms of the Lochi Guard well."
In spite of herself, Hubae can't help keeping certain information to herself:
That's why I came to Lye for advice, Serae-Kin.
Lay maie Nityae-hubae , Lye have done well.
Come on Lye rest.
By the way, Hubae, did Lye take your medicine tonight?
Nec still Serae-Kin, but I'm not better, maybe it's not...
Don't worry about your Nityae-hubae debt, Ore Altae knows how to take care of its children.
Sil Serae-Kin, Fila, Si Lye no longer need Ne? Puis-ne dispose?"
The preoccupied old Matis:
-Sil, Faites!