Réveil surprise

She opens her eyes.

She can't quite remember who she is...

She looks around and sees a very old Zoraï.
She can't remember the homine's name, but she knows she's met him before.
The very old Blue argues with an indistinct purple shape...

Behind the two creatures, a trembling form tries to move discreetly away,

But, La Sorcière, Oy c'est ça! Pom remembers...
The Witch, alerted by a noise, turns to...
...Ny-Eolinius, Oy that's his Talla Eolinius.

Just as the immortal Zoraï is about to grab the terrified Tryker, a powerful black energy comes into play.
Pom takes advantage of the diversion to push Eolinius over the horizon of the Dream Mirror and disappear.


Y syln Ubhal / Je suis Pomme
Y Teinh'Lir Zir Tor TRYKA!!! / Je combattrai toujours pour La Liberté!!!
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