Released from his dungeon...

Staerano stood up abruptly. He had been prostrate on the ground for several hours, though he couldn't have said exactly how long.
The Crisis had been violent once again. Now his madness had taken on a different face, so to speak. He was no longer flailing about as before. Instead, a stillness colder than death... Delusional visions still assailed him.
Struggling into his apartment, Staerano picked up a quill and Capryni vellum. In an uncertain manner, he attempted to write a few lines.

I have the impression that the crises are more frequent than the phases of lucidity. It's as if madness is now my normal state.
How ironic! Well, maybe it's what I feel, not what I experience.
The last resting places of my mind are still struggling.
No doubt some doctor will be able to find a cure for my ailment.
Yes, let's trust Atys, as Nilstilar says so well


Cinabre Andertini,
Vassal du Royaume Matis
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