Réveil surprise

Since that night in the Primes, Ny-Eo hasn't been on form.
He didn't leave the house much. So, every morning, when the light woke up, I went there to bring him breakfast: light Bhyre, caprynia milk and fresh Pan et Tonne.
But Eolinius didn't eat much.

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of meeting him at the Fairhaven Bar with Kyky. Although tired, he seemed to be doing a bit better: he pouted when I gave him a bottle of Stimulant water.
But it's good when you're in a bad way...

After much soul-searching: I began to find it strange that Ny-Eo was the only one to be sick after the chai.
True, I'm never sick and Ny-Eo isn't exactly a shallat! but still?
Then I thought again of the Zoraï we had helped to find his "cat-pelé" and with whom we shared Tchaï...
Is he sick too?

Yesterday at the bar there was a Bizarre trykette who was losing her memory after drinking "d'la-cool" I don't know what it is but she reminded me of Owy and I was sad...

In any case, I'm fine. If Ny-Owy were here, life would be perfect!

Kyky and Eo told me not to buy just any awak from just anyone!

So I felt guilty.

After Kyky's departure I asked Eo if we should be wary of everyone and if strangers were bad?

I didn't get an answer, I'll have to ask Kyky, she must know that!
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