Réveil surprise

Eolinius woke up with aches and pains, an unbearable headache and a pungent taste in his mouth. He opened his eyes but was hit by a large yellow-green phosphorescent ball that made him look away.


He'd heard this word from Eeri several times, but now he knew intuitively what it meant.

-Damn, I must have a good one!

This time he slowly opened his eyes and tried to work out where he was. A little further on were translucent Kamis twirling in the air.

-Oh no! It's not going to happen again!

It was impossible to know what he'd done the day before, he couldn't remember a thing. The only thing he could remember were pink bolobis dancing in circles before his eyes.
Eolinius struggled to his feet and sat up, rubbing his head and eyes. In front of him, hot embers from the remains of a campfire were still crackling.
As his eyes grew accustomed to the half-light, he identified the spot where he was standing as the middle point of the wasteland, but had no idea how he had got here. In a hollow in the ground he retrieved his bag, tapping it to restore its shape, and tucked his blanket into what had been his pillow.

A mug had fallen beside him, which he picked up and sniffed. Strangely enough, it smelt neither of Byrh nor of any kind of alcohol, but rather of the pungent, strong odour of black chai.
Further on, around the remains of the fire, two hollows remained, as if two other people had also slept here. Next to the first, traces of mektoub were moving away into the perpetual night and in the one closest to him, Eolinius noticed a lot of crumbs that he identified as the remains of Panettone.

-Ah, now I know where that comes from.

Eolinius stumbled a little and pulled out a teleportation pact to Fairhaven from his bag, which he tore up grumbling.

-Someone's going to hear about me!

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