Apartment Grace Transfer

This seems like a perfectly reasonable suggestion. Times change. People change. And if the community wants to continue in a forward direction then ideas should be met and viewed with an open-mind. To gripe about the past misses the point about the present. I did not read this as a free meal but a responsible idea. As a subbed player, your apartment is a storage closet that is being paid for on a monthly or yearly fee. Free-to-play toons can purchase but it is of no value because of the inability to store, so why allow to purchase.

And to comment on the silliness of moving companies, and mercenary protection fees - in the real world where I live, you normally have an apartment rented prior to leaving. There is no immediate or instantaneous removal of your items upon signing a new lease. People who are alone normally make multiple trips to move items, and yes, some even leave because they did not feel like wasting energy or space in their new place. I think that people forget why computer games exist and take something that is supposed to be entertainment way too far.
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