Apartment Grace Transfer

Good day, everyone. Today (April 15th, 2024) I had decided that I wanted to move my apartment and after realizing that it is impossible (because my 1 Mount is 95% full and my 3 Packers are also close to max capacity along with my apartment being almost full) – I find it frustrating that we are unable to purchase another apartment, and then have a 24hr “grace period” to transfer items. After 24hrs, whatever is left in your old apartment, you lose.

This would make for toons who are changing guilds, changing factions, or want a scenario change, that ability to do so. I am guessing that a large majority have the same issues.

I would like to see this feature/function for 2024 – even though by the time it happens, I would have already figured-out how to move.

That is my 2-cents which is not worth the digital space that I just consumed.

Thank you
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