
O'Tall arrives in Zora, and although he's rather tall for a Tryker, the city makes him feel like a dwarf.
The countertops are up to his chin, and the big blue guys behind their impenetrable masks talk to him like he's mentally retarded.
Of course, as his mother used to say, he didn't invent cold water, but they're overdoing it here.

Well, no one has seen a beautiful tryker with magnificent eyes, she's so kind and intelligent!

O'tall has been making the rounds of every town, but no one seems to have seen him.
Maybe its description isn't enough?

On the Jen-Laî side, he met a Zoraï who sold him an exceptional tchaï (he said) for a few dappers.
The Tchaï is stored in a pretty purple box, and O'Tall can't wait to share it with Owy.
Well, the guy didn't look too good, so O'tall left him a large piece of Pan et Tonne that was almost not stale.

When L'aut'e grand "plus très bleu" offers him a job in a "beau ratoire" "6 An tific", nothing to do and well paid, O'Tall remembers Kyky's warnings about Zoraï with damaged horns.
So he politely greets the rambling other, then tears up a pact to return to his Lochi.
When he feels the tingle of teleportation begin, he realizes he doesn't even have a lucio of Owy and it would still be easier to show as she is.

But he's a little afraid that others will find her beautiful...
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