And then

Mazé'Yum gently untied the straps still holding the fyrette. Rarely had he acted so gently, so carefully. She'd been awake for several hours, but it was still hard to tell whether she was fully conscious behind her unblinking eye. Yet the scientist sensed that something had changed, as if she was following him with her eye, as if she had regained awareness of the reality around her.

- Come on, you should try to get up, and we'll go outside for a bit.

His patient didn't move as he freed her feet, then her right arm. Her breathing was slow and deep, but also strangely sonorous and shaky.

- We'll take it easy. You have nothing to worry about.

Maze'yum untied the last strap, the one connecting Eeri's left arm, but with a clumsy gesture let it fall from his hand to the ground. The thump of the leather strap hitting the ground startled him, and for a moment he thought he saw the fyrette flinch, though he wasn't sure if his eyes were playing tricks on him or if she'd really moved. He bent down to pick up the strap, and gently, noiselessly placed it back on a shelf beside him.

- Come on, I know you can hear my voice. Some fresh air will do you good. Try to sit up first, I'll help you.

Mazé'Yum placed her hand on Eeri's left arm to encourage her to make a slight movement. She jumped to her feet and flipped over to the other side of the bed where she lay. With her right arm still dangling inertly, she grabbed a small dagger lying on the table with her left hand. Then, in a burst of fury, she lunged at the Zoraï. The latter, so surprised that he remained motionless, managed to dodge two blows from the dagger, but was soon wounded in the torso by the homine who was redoubling her vivacity. The latter gave him little time for respite, striking him again in the flank and then the shoulder, sending him tumbling to the ground. Letting his reason take precedence over panic, he decided not to retaliate, at the risk of letting Eeri finish him off without resistance, still dodging what he could. The Zoraï knew that his physical strength was far superior to that of the fyrette, but the risk of injuring her and sending her back to the powers that be was too great. It was still far too early after the operation for resurrection.

She managed to strike him several more times in the stomach with her dagger. Sputtering, he managed to shout his assailant's name, in an attempt to get her to stop.

- Eeri...!

She suddenly stopped knocking. Whether disconcerted or surprised, her face was no less implacably cold. She took a step or two back, looking around slowly. Mazé'Yum couldn't tell whether this was a panic attack or sudden fury, and how much control she had over her own actions. Finally, with disconcerting speed, she spun around and planted the dagger in the bed, in the very spot where they'd cut open her head a few days earlier, then dashed for the door, which she opened with a flick of her shoulder. She disappeared into the pouring rain, leaving Mazé'Yum on the ground.

She had reacted to his name, Mazé'Yum thought. Her memory wasn't totally impaired. That's something to consider. He got to his feet, took the time to treat his wounds and put on his amplifiers to set off in search of her.


"Quand on a le nez trop près de la bouteille, on ne voit plus le bar"
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