Do you, as me, use containers (in firefox) to browse several toons you have? to search things, check what need to be craft for who (P and B) etc
I would love to see in an external browser the missions J my toons have. An app?
More, we could get an "text" array, with colomns:
* type of mission (kill/craft/explore/dig...),
* country (f/t/m/z/Nexus/Almati/PR/Other),
* if exists tribes names
* if exists faction name
* Resume (kill 3 kinch q150+, ...)
Do you, as me, use containers (in firefox) to browse several toons you have? to search things, check what need to be craft for who (P and B) etc
I would love to see in an external browser the missions J my toons have. An app?
More, we could get an "text" array, with colomns:
* type of mission (kill/craft/explore/dig...),
* country (f/t/m/z/Nexus/Almati/PR/Other),
* if exists tribes names
* if exists faction name
* Resume (kill 3 kinch q150+, ...)