The childhood of Uzykos, son of two cracked fyros

All the way to Fairheaven, Uzykos had blown his nose, slowed his pace, stumbled at times. Azazor chalked it up to his son's weakness. After all, this was his first visit to the primeval roots, and that could be impressive when you're not even ten. Even his father had waited until he was twenty to take his first stroll in the bounties. Except he'd done it alone. Here, at least, Uzykos was accompanied. But nothing had worked. He'd had a hard, hard time keeping up with Azazor. Finally arriving in Fairheaven, the two fyros could only note that the ceremony had been over for several hours. Even the last drunks had left the beach. The gruff old fyros let out an expletive before glancing disapprovingly at his son. Uzykos knew he'd screwed up. And yet, even if his father's thinly veiled reproach hurt him a little, he was rather pleased that he didn't have to go through with this marriage, which he couldn't care less about. Then he wouldn't have to put up with his alcoholic mother or his father's bawdy songs.

As it would have been a pity to have come all this way in vain, Azazor took the opportunity to visit part of the lakes. It was an opportunity to do some swimming and discover the local flora and fauna. Uzykos wasn't sure whether it was the fact of having left the desert, but his father had gradually mellowed during the few days they'd spent here. Sometimes teaching him to distinguish the differences between desert and lake cloppers, sometimes showing him how to swim faster, or how to kill a horncher with a pike. And sometimes even splashing or throwing himself off a waterfall. Yes, after missing the wedding, father and son had spent many happy days here, gradually growing closer. Azazor wished Eeri could have been there to share the moment. But they had avoided Ba'Naer's bar for a few days. Perhaps running into his mother would have changed Uzykos's attitude, and Azazor preferred to take advantage of these joyous moments to rekindle the ties with his son, which had been severely damaged since he had taken over his upbringing with a firm, authoritarian hand.

Then everything changed one morning. As they finished eating cloppers cooked over an open fire, Azazor pulled a pearl from his bag. He then looked at his son with such intensity that a shiver ran through his body.

"It's a kami teleport pearl. I'm going to use it to get home. I've got a meeting at Almati Wood in a few hours, followed by an expedition to Desertstock.
- Well, what am I supposed to do while I'm waiting for you?
- You'll have to find your own way home. You have school in three days. I'm trusting you. You know the way.
- What? But I'm not going to survive alone on the Shadow Road! You're crazy!
- Yes, you will. You are the son of Azazor and Eeri, in you flows the Fyros blood. You'll make it."

Then Azazor tightly embraced his son.

"Daddy, please!
- Son, when you're on the Shadow Road, remember your courage at every step. See you in three days."

Before Uzykos could add anything, Azazor had cracked his pearl and teleported away, leaving him alone on the beach, not far from a group of cloppers.


fyros pure sève
akash i orak, talen i rechten!
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