The childhood of Uzykos, son of two cracked fyros

A summer morning

Another binge with Eeri at Pecus. It's the same every time she comes to the desert. For her, it's no big deal. She says it's soft here compared to what she gets up to at Ba'Naer. But for him, it's a nice bender. He's got the bottle, sure, but in front of Eeri, it's like comparing the pale Lykos to the great Dexton. Honorable mention for him. A barfly for her. And to think that today he has to leave for the lakes...

He planned to take Uzykos with him, but didn't even think to mention it to Eeri last night. She's still asleep under a table in the Thesos bar. He's recovering better than she is, a good point for him. He hesitates to wake her up to tell her he's leaving. Uzykos must have been waiting for her for at least an hour outside the apartment. But if he wakes her up, she'll probably want to see her son one last time, which will irritate him. Not that he's jealous. On the contrary, every time Eeri tries to make contact with Uzykos, he rejects her. It's as if she disgusts him. An argument ensues between him and his son, saying that he shouldn't disown his mother like that, that one day she'll be gone. But the young fyros doesn't care. His mother is a wreck and he's ashamed of it. So he won't wake her up. Taking a piece of paper, he writes:

I'm leaving Thesos today for Fairheaven with Uzykos. We'll be taking the Shadow Road. I hope to see you again for Ostium and Kyriann's wedding.

PS: it was a great evening!

He wedges the note under the glass Eeri still holds in his hand, then discreetly slips away towards the fortress, massaging his temples.


fyros pure sève
akash i orak, talen i rechten!
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