
She stared at me. It was a mixture of fury and incomprehension. Translating into a clarity comparable to Aeden Aqueous water a reproach akin to "are you completely oblivious?" And as for me, I was satisfied with my little vengeful provocation, but also with having brought the children to the heart of what animated Ylang'Hao, as much in his torments as in his refuge, Zora, the capital of the Theocracy, what's more, in the middle of the Circle Assembly. This translates into the presence not only of Ylang'Hao, but also of other Initiates, Enlightened Ones and Wise Ones.

I'd proved many things to myself by then, but what Ylang'Hao remembered first and foremost was my foolishness in bringing them across Atys and showing them to the Theocracy.

"Do you want them (the Awakened and the Sage) to take them from us to convert them, you who are not kami? They don't belong here! Not yet, not right now!"

The assembly had moved to Jen-Laï, and Ylang'Hao, who had been able to take the children in turn during the meeting, so fidgety were they, took the opportunity to lecture me despite the audience still around.
Her annoyance was palpable. Constantly alternating a mask of tense features against me with that of a benevolent smile at the children, probably to reassure them, she realized that I wasn't reacting. Yes, I was sure of myself. It's pretentious, as much as a tryker could appear so when he acted so unconsciously. But that was how it was, I knew Ylang'Hao and my children. So I waited...
With an umpteenth back-and-forth glance in the direction of the children, she finally realized for herself. They were in great shape! They seemed to be blossoming, even giddy at the new landscape and the magical atmosphere Zora offered each time a new refugee arrived. Then, for the first time since we'd arrived, she smiled. She then knelt down, revealing a smiling maternal mask, her complexion filled with emotion, to take them in her arms and give them a big hug. After enjoying this moment of great affection, she lifted her mask to stare at me. I now knew how to translate the feelings expressed by her mask.

"You really are insufferable Jazzy Mac'plantey!!!!
But I'm so happy to have them with me right now! Now!"

I even got a smile, an embarrassed smile, which would seem to be an unavowable feeling on his part. I felt a breath of fresh air fill my lungs. This sentence contrasted with the silence I'd been dreading for so long. His mouth uttered a word I couldn't hear, perhaps out of modesty, but I could read it on his lips: Ari'Kami (=thank you).

We ended up taking the children to a quieter spot in the basement of the town hall, then, once joined by Eolinius and Funrale back from Jen-Laï, Ylang'Hao offered us hospitality for the night. The return journey was to take place at daybreak the following day.


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

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