Border between 50 and 100 is very large, unlike previous divisions.
And division is not always logical.
For example, I needed magic boosters stronger than my starting level 40s. So 50 crafting skill was not enough. The next level of magic required 65(!) quality. Not 60, not 70, but exactly 65. But there is no such quality limit in crafting.
Even further - 80, 100, which is already better.
I somehow pumped up to 90 intellect and took Q100, but I don’t want anyone to repeat such a strange path.
And the help of other players, which some lazy people prefer to rely on, does not solve the root of the problem in basic mechanics of Ryzom.
And division is not always logical.
For example, I needed magic boosters stronger than my starting level 40s. So 50 crafting skill was not enough. The next level of magic required 65(!) quality. Not 60, not 70, but exactly 65. But there is no such quality limit in crafting.
Even further - 80, 100, which is already better.
I somehow pumped up to 90 intellect and took Q100, but I don’t want anyone to repeat such a strange path.
And the help of other players, which some lazy people prefer to rely on, does not solve the root of the problem in basic mechanics of Ryzom.