
Atys games 2023

Atys games 2023

Posters have been plastered in all cities of Atys:
Homins from all over Atys,

Come and participate in various challenges of the 2624 Atys Games from 8h - Tria, Pluvia 21, 3rd AC 2624 to 8h - Tria, Thermis 21, 1st AC 2625 included! (*)


All month long:

  • Mektoub race (start and finish in Yrkanis) Rules
  • Marathon between Zora and Pyr Rules
  • Swimming trial (start and finish in Fairhaven)
  • Triathlon (riding, swimming, running) near Windermeer (Windermeer Farm's outpost) Rules
  • Yubo Golf; A teleport in each capital Rules

On 20h - Quarta, Thermis 28, 1st AC 2625(**):

  • Closing Ceremony

[OOC] (*) From Tuesday, 1 August 2023 10:00:00 UTC (1 year ago) to Thursday, 31 August 2023 10:00:00 UTC (1 year ago) included.
(**) On Thursday, 31 August 2023 19:00:00 UTC (1 year ago). [/OOC]

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Last visit Sunday, 8 September 00:43:24 UTC

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