
Messages about the 2624 Water Route

Azazor circles his apartment. He's like an ocyx in a cage, breathing fire.

Naveruss was determined to lead the convoy across the kingdom. All so she could lead the matis who would follow the convoy. Detal! as if the matis would let themselves be led...!

However, it was well on the way during the discussion with the trykeri the other evening. Eolinius was in favor of taking the shadow route to thumb his nose at the matis, Bellandrha was in favor and Kurutani didn't give a damn. That left Kyriann, but he had managed to negotiate the idea that if Wixarika wanted to change the route and go via the shadow road, she would give in..

Back in the desert, he'd had a chance to chat with Wixarika, who was obviously up for it, not finding the deal with the matis advantageous for the fyros either. It was even degrading. But now, her weakness, probably due to her years with the trykers, had returned, and she didn't want to oppose Naveruss' will..

Naveruss... She had been a rare mediocrity in front of the matis. She was ignorant of the laws, the history and even the psychology of the orskos. And they had thrown her a piece of bread to buy her agreement. To get his hands on the Matis escort! What a joke! And what about Ulymorus, who also wanted to pass through the kingdom, thinking it would be a proof of superiority? How naive!!

The "leader" of the Fyros Legions needed to be taught a lesson. Let her see for herself that for a Matis, showing no sign of allegiance meant submission and that she would never control the Matis escort. As for Ulymorus, he was still young. He had time to train him and make him a true fyros, worthy of his blood..

He opens the cupboard behind his bed and pulls out a vial of ageless shooki liqueur, the kind he reserves for himself in case of emergency. Yes, an emergency. Saving the honor of the fyros with all these weaklings is no easy task. But he's been through so much worse...



fyros pure sève
akash i orak, talen i rechten!
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