
Messages about the 2624 Water Route

Izam to Ambassador Eolinius

Woren Siloy Ambassador Eolinius,
It seems I still have some diplomatic progress to make. Melga will look at me again with his pained expression.
But I have to say I'm struggling to understand where my blunder came from.
There was nothing secret about this meeting, as evidenced by the presence of observers among whom I thought I recognized at least one Tryker guild coat-of-arms.
The request came from the Fyros Emperor and concerned only the Kingdom's ambassadors. The Karan's positive response was already a pleasant surprise, so I hastened to summon everyone. And that's where we should probably look for the cause of the misunderstanding. The Fyros must have thought to warn you and then forgotten, because Wixarika's absence forced Naveruss to look for someone quickly.
As for me, I must say that I liked the idea of letting the two groups talk things over without interference. The grievances they have to settle are their own. To do so without a crowd around them was to spare a few susceptibilities.
I have prejudged, perhaps wrongly, that there was no need to spare susceptibilities elsewhere.
Let me therefore express my apologies for this haphazard diplomatic manoeuvre, which I would like you to pass on to your Governor.

I hope that this Water Road will strengthen all relations between the Nations.

Barmie Dingle
Ranger Guide
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