naveruss clumsily and persistently scratched her quill across the parchment, tirelessly trying to write a letter before suddenly sending her desk tumbling with impatience. Instead, she grabbed an amber cube into which she impregnated her message with perfect clarity in as little time as effort. "Decidedly, as long as we have amber cubes, I won't learn to write!". She then sent the message.
De naveruss kynigrips, akenakos de pyr, à l'attention du sharükos.
sharükos pyrèkud, sharük pyrèkud!
Although a report will be made to you on the meeting with the Matis delegation concerning the water route, I'll take the liberty of already giving you my report: it was a disaster on many counts from which I'd have many diplomatic lessons to draw, except for one which is a rather good success..
Our mission was to inform the Kingdom of our passage, but due to my clumsiness in dominating the discussion, for which I take full responsibility, this was transformed into a request for authorization to pass through. What's more, we found ourselves having to make concession after concession, admittedly minor, but indirectly acknowledging that we were at the mercy of the matis' goodwill..
These concessions went so far as to agree to take on a Matis escort as we passed through the forest, with the escort being divided among all the teams so that it could be carefully monitored. This is our only success: getting the Matis joining the escort to acknowledge and respect my responsibility to lead it. During the Water Route, the Matis escort will therefore be under my command for the time it takes to pass through the forest, with the formal commitment of the subjects of the kingdom present to rigorously follow the discipline in place. A single victory among many defeats, but one that will enable us to maintain our ascendancy, at least in part..
Since I don't have time to be ashamed or proud of this encounter, I will now try to draw some lessons from it..
akash, the speech, orak in the right!
naveruss kynigrips