
Messages about the 2624 Water Route

The scribe was staring at the blank parchment in front of him. A career as a scribe could take an enterprising Matis far, of that the Filira Copal was living proof. But sometimes it could also lead to numerous problems, such as managing at last to put Karan Stevano's anger into words on this parchment without offending the missive's recipient.
As the heap of crumpled drafts beside him had grown to an imposing size, he decided to fall back on absolute neutrality. The Rangers were to be very fond of the notion of neutrality…
To the attention of Barmie Dingle, Rangers' Guide
On behalf of His Majesty the Karan Stevano,
I hereby communicate to you the names of the ambassadors responsible for negotiating the conditions for the possible passage of Water Route convoys through the territory of the Kingdom of the Forest.
These are Filirai Copal Frerini (Royal Scribe), Salazar Caradini (Royal Historian) and Tapco di Juice (Alkiane Order's Herën).

Signed in Yrkanis on Frutor the 27th, AC4 2623
Sirgio Rosirme
Royal Scribe
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