Graphybus Ceros had had to insist, but at last he could address the Emperor directly. His request seemed to light a glimmer in the latter's eyes.
"A new water route?"
"ney sharükos. Our patriots really worked to make it a reality. And this passage through the matis country would be a tribute to their persistence and dedication to the Empire."
The Emperor seemed to sink into his thoughts and spoke again with still a bit of that lingering glint in his eyes.
"Very well! They have my approval to organize this route but," the Emperor seemed to get taller suddenly, "I will not stoop to the arrogance of the Matis and I will not beg!"
"May I suggest an alternative? The akenakos Wixarika could lead the discussions on neutral ground with diplomats from the Kingdom. It is said that some of the nobles could be persuaded to come to the negotiating table. I would add that the Rangers, who are in principle in favor of any initiative that promotes the prosperity of homins and peace between nations, would probably agree to have these negotiations conducted under their aegis…"
Lykos stared at the celiakos for a moment, then, his eye once again sparkling:
"Excellent! Send my secretary to me, and I will immediately send a letter to their Guide asking him to arrange the meeting."
Graphybus saluted and hastened to obey his Emperor, who seemed to vibrate with new life.
From Graphybus Ceros to Wixarika
akenakos Wixarika,
As the last akenak assembly decided, you are in charge, together with the akenakos Naveruss, of the planning of a new water route.
Know that Lykos, sharükos, approves your choice of the route crossing the Matis Kingdom but that his current obligations do not allow him to participate in person in the talks with Matia that he is making necessary.
Therefore, he entrusts you, akenakos, with the task of representing the sharük at the negotiation table which will be held at Almati Wood under the chairmanship of Barmie Dingle, guide of the Rangers, at a date which the latter will communicate to you.
Lykos expects you to preserve the Honor of sharük during these talks, at the end of which you will inform me without delay of the concessions and counterparts thus negotiated to allow this passage of the future water route through Matis territory.
The Empire will be reborn from your ardor.
sharükos pyrèkud! sharük pyrèküd!
Graphybus Ceros