The Karae turned to her secretary.
"Please forward these invitations to all subjects who had expressed a desire to perfect their skills in the study of Mateis.
The responses should be collated and forwarded to Ser Vauban."
The secretary bowed and was about to withdraw when the Karaedin stepped forward.
"Karae, couldn't we also put up some posters? Some of our subjects may have been detained away during your court. Even residents of the Majestic Garden who are not subjects or foreigners may wish to learn our language."
"I well acknowledge here your open-mindedness and benevolence, Karaedin… Please be diligent, Ser Vendi!"
The Karae was careful not to add that the Karan Stevano would have seen this proposal only as a proof of weakness. Perhaps the Karin Aniro would be more sympathetic to this than his father.
Nobles, Subjects, Residents of the Majestic Garden, Friends of the Kingdom
At my request, made during the Court recently held in our capital, a linguist of the Alkiane Order has offered to organize a course in Mateis.
The first lesson of this course, open to all lovers of our language, will be given by Ser Vauban in our Great Greenhouse as soon as we have a better idea of the expected attendance.
This is why you are invited to inform us of the dates after 16h - Quarta, Frutor 4, 3rd AC 2622(*) that would allow you to benefit from it.
Tamiela Fera, Fillia di Torani
(*)March 06, 2023 to give time to get organized.
Post your proposed dates in response to this post.
The selected dates will then be communicated to you in this thread and will be visible on the calendar.