
Rywards updates: wigs, tatoos, undies, roleplay items

Sami (from Forge canal)
why are all items "imported" into rywards? this destroys the trade with such things and markets like the black market lose their charm. i'm in favor of leaving the items in the inventories and not moving them to any websites. additionally, you should consider making stuffed animals exchangeable again.

The amount of Rywards items will increase over time, so more and more items in the inventory would lead to a complicated situation for collectors.

For those who wish to trade in person, an option is currently being tested to wrap a Rywards stuff in a gift-wrapped item from the inventory.

This item will be tradable, and the person will be able to easily retrieve the contents.

About plushies, all will be exchangeable with Rywards
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Last visit Saturday, 28 September 16:47:23 UTC

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