« kün geyum » Récit du voyage sur la route d’Oflovak jusqu’à Coriolis

A few days later, the two homins were still walking a few meters away from the precipice, in order to keep a good view on this piece of desert, below. The landscape was changing little by little, becoming more rolling, as if roots under the ground were pushing and sculpting the sawdust. In the distance, what O'teelo had called "Umawaka" appeared in the mist: an impassable mountain range, a tangle of gigantic roots that delimited this desert to the south, and which, if one believed the map of the Clan leader, extended up to the Citadel. With each step they took, this mountain range seemed to grow more and more gigantic, as if it had emerged from the bowels of Atys. In some places, sharp, bare peaks of bark loomed up the sky. In others, they were covered with vegetation, so much so that they wondered if they were not the beginnings of a canopy in the making.

The meeting point could not be far away, as she had described it as near that mountain below. They stopped for a moment to scan the horizon and the desert, hoping to make out a village or any trace of homin life. Eeri came dangerously close to the edge, to observe the cliff face they were overlooking.

"You think too much. If this is going to happen again, think that it's either them or us."
"I wasn't prepared to fight. Not this way."
"Next time, hit. Block, and hit. Where it hurts, where you would not like to be hit."
"All right, that's all right, I know."
"The surprise, the speed. Them, if they fight, they know that it is at the risk of their life. They won't hesitate."
"But the counter-attack implies taking risks. It was okay at home, but here... How did you stay so damn cold?"
"For years I've been working hard to learn to fight in a way so that I don't have to call on the Powers. With the idea that maybe one day Trytonists would manage to bring freedom to the hominity. Keeping a cold and analytical mind is the first thing."
"Do you still believe in it? Freedom?"

The Fyrossa straightened up and took a few steps away from the edge.

"No, I don't anymore. I have no hope anymore for the nations. Now I think it's enough to get away. Or become a Ranger... Or a Marauder. Maybe it's the same thing. But freedom, no. That doesn't exist, even here."

Azazor hesitated for a moment:

"But then, you don't believe in anything anymore...?"
"I believe in survival. I believe that if you jeopardize this journey again, I will leave you in the lurch and go on alone."
"You what???"
"But I like you nonetheless. I couldn't have made it this far on my own."
"Hrmf... Yeah. akep."
"And the trouble with being alone is that you don't have no more anyone to blame for the shit you do."

After these words, Eeri sat down with a smile.

"Come on, relax. I've got a proposition for you, about the delivery."

Azazor did not move, keeping scanning the horizon.

"I'm listening."
"Given the cliff, if there is no path, we can't risk our mektoubs."
"So you want to go down alone. I knew you'd suggest that."
"It's less risky."
"What if you don't come back?"
"Or you can go down and I'll keep the mektoubs. That's OK with me too."

Azazor grunted something unintelligible, his eyes still fixed on the distance. Eeri added a layer, grumbling:

"But I've seen your talent for climbing..."
"We'll talk about it when we find out where to climb down," answered Azazor, putting his bag back on his shoulders.
"You're right. Let's not dawdle."

The two Fyros set off again, heading south, without even glancing behind them to see if they were being followed or not. The evening wind was starting to blow, but they were still able to walk for a few hours.


"Quand on a le nez trop près de la bouteille, on ne voit plus le bar"
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