Craft 1, Craft X, Craft All

I approve of this idea. While I feel advancement should require effort, I also feel that, given the effort involved in obtaining enough mats to derive any benefit from such a mechanic, forcing players to slog through the UI interference of massive amounts of clicking for crafts is outright insulting. At best, it's the sort of "I suffered, and you should too!" generational trauma from Boomers and Aniro grognards that I feel makes Ryzom inhospitable to new players.

The UI itself should not be the roadblock for advancement. Do we want to keep Ryzom eternally painfully grindy merely for the sake of making others endure what those that came before them did, or do we want to improve the game in ways that don't make people rage-quit? Before you answer, consider why even those like me who have been here for a decade or more have not mastered all crafts. Hint; it's not the fact that it'd take over two months straight of 24/7 master-level digging to acquire enough mats to do so even with optimal use of overcrafting. 

@Hayt - If you play ANY game with a GUI instead of stricly command-line, you're a hypocrite. Don't get me wrong; I'm as against over-simplification as you are. But I'm also willing to accept that 2022 is not 1982 and evolve past my childhood. There is a middle ground. Unlike you, I'm actually happy that games have advanced in the last 40 years since I first started dropping quarters in the arcade, even if I think some games did go a bit too far. I wholeheartedly support QoL improvements that do not diminish the efforts required to make them actually useful. Show me how this idea negated the T&E to obtain the mats required to take advantage of it and I might consider yor argument, but until then, I'll just consider you a bitter sadist.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

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