Craft 1, Craft X, Craft All


Based on a discussion with players, I mentioned an idea that gained a bit of traction. The general idea is that when crafting an item you should be able to indicate a response for what quantity you will craft. In this example, an option set of 3 could be created in the crafting window with the following options:
Craft 1 (Make the Item)
Craft X
Craft All

This idea would allow for players to input the mats they wish to craft, and the system will craft the exact number requested up until encumberment.

Now, all things come at a price. I mentioned that a possible unlock for this ability must be aquired. Such as a mission, tool, or special ability. Another player mentioned he would be willing to have an increased mat cost as a penalty for 'auto-crafting'. Although, it may not be necessary to implement a cost. A mockup of what this window could look like has been attached. Post-patch rush, it would be neat to see this project come to life.

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Last visit Wednesday, 18 September 13:11:05 UTC

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