Option for making low level players visible on map

What about improving the visual presentation of the maps, as well as including another map layer of a close up addition to show more that is happening on the ground (player and mob movement). Furthermore, more additional information to show what events are coming up. I like the idea of having a window that displays the different sub-continents (e.g. Dew Drops) that shows the population information. Just like the image above, this could have a similar appearance of that, but instead of planets, it would have a scenery photo of the area with multiple symbols arranged around it to show the population status (e.g. quiet/populated/congested), popular activities and some additonal information about the players who are currently in those areas (e.g. new, returning and veteran players as well as mentors / pve & pvp activities). This shows everyone where people are and can assist new and low level players who are looking for other players more easily. This could also include other information, such as weather patterns/local npc's and the fauna and flora found there.
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Last visit Tuesday, 28 January 13:50:26 UTC

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