
Ryzom Forge Public Meetings agendas & reports

Ryzom Forge meeting (September 12th 2022)

Date: monday, September 12th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public forge channel
  • Ryzom Chat, channel #pub-forge

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.

Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
  • Atys games (feedback)
  • Rywards (feedback)
  • OP refactoring
  • Boss refactoring
  • Silan Refactoring
  • Novel in Ryzom Universe
  • New Ticket System
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Last visit Friday, 27 September 22:44:21 UTC

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