
Request to the Federation

Exhausted by his attending, careful as never, to the Assembly's debates, Nilstilar soon dozed off on the beach of Eastmarket, in front of the fire kept by the Fairhaven guards. It was not until morning, after he had returned to his home and enjoyed his ritual chai, that he took to his writing case to draft the missive informing his King of the decision made the day before by the Federation.
Yrkanis, on Mystia 15, 2620-1

Your Majesty,

It was with reluctance that I decided a few days ago to submit Your request to Her Excellency Ailan Mac'Kean. Namely, to authorize Matis troops to enter Aeden Aqueous in search of Pebre Di Ciosi.

Reluctance, because Your will to introduce such a request was brought to my attention by an unusual way, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, because the said request appeared to me, given the bad memories left to the people of the Lakes by the last such "entering", to be audacious... not to say provocative. In fact, I wondered for some time if this matter was not a plot to discredit me, both in the Kingdom and in the Lakes. Your Majesty can see from this that no one, even a seasoned diplomat, is immune to a conspiratorial delusion.

It is therefore to get out of this nascent delusion that I took the liberty, in formulating the aforementioned request to Ailan Mac'Kean, of suggesting to her to make it public, i. e. to call an Assembly of the Taliari destined to rule on the follow-up to be given to it, an Assembly in front of which I declared myself ready to intervene. This was done. And although the minutes of the debates of the said Assembly is to be soon be made public too, I come here to give you their conclusion: the request of the Kingdom was rejected by the Assembly, but the latter unanimously adopted the following motion: "The Federal Army will capture Pebre di Ciosi, whom the Federation will then put on trial for advocating slavery. Following which we will hand him over to the Royal Army at the Tryker-Matis border."

In conclusion, I am, of course, at your Majesty's disposal to share with the Chamber of the Nobles the one and only Matis "point of view" on the said debates (that day, I was indeed, alas, the only Subject of the Kingdom to follow them).
Nilstilar Thorec
Ambassador of Your Majesty to the Federation of Naw Trykoth


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